Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley

Good Queen Bess by Diane Stanley

Good Queen Bess : The Story of Elizabeth I of England

Contains affiliate links

Coloring Pages:

Queen Elizabeth’s Family

Queen Elizabeth

Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada


Videos and Activities: 

(by Page Number, with page 1 beginning on the author’s note)


Pages 3-4 Henry VIII and the church (4.5 minutes)

Pages 5-6 Horrible Histories wives of Henry VIII song (warning, Horrible Histories) (2 minutes)

Pages 7-8 Portraits of a young Queen Elizabeth

Pages 9-10 Mary the First Song (Horrible Histories) (3 minutes)

Pages 11-12 The Queen’s Coronation (2 minutes, movie excerpt)

Pages 13-14 Portraits of Queen Elizabeth’s Middle Years

Pages 15-16 Queen Elizabeth Craft

Pages 17-18 A look at traveling with the Queen, might wish to preread and summarize

Pages 19-20 Mary, Queen of Scots (Horrible Histories) (3 minutes)

Pages 21-22 Mary, Queen of Scots (Horrible Histories, different segment) (4 minutes)

Pages 23-24 Pictures of Queen Elizabeth in later years

Pages 25-26 Babington Plot (4.5 minutes) (gruesome 

Pages 27-28 Queen Elizabeth’s speech to the troops at Tilbury (2 minutes)

Pages 29-30 Spanish armada (Horrible Stories) (3 minutes)

Pages 31-32 Queen Elizabeth Craft

Pages 33-34  Shakespeare (3.5 minutes)

Pages 35-36 Burial (1 minute)

A look at Elizabeth’s effigy and other items


Again, Diane Stanley has a great many other books about many famous people and other topics. The one I feel goes best with this book is Bard of Avon about William Shakespeare.

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