Fast and Easy Extension Activities for
Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky by Barbara Schiller
Fast and Easy Extension Activities for Eric the Red and Leif the Lucky
Since the Time Traveler, Usborne Book of World History, and Child’s History of the World have covered this topic so thoroughly; there’s not a lot of material left that we haven’t already covered. Contains affiliate links.
Coloring Pages
These coloring pages are based specifically on the book’s illustrations and the matching page number.
10 Fun Facts (Suggested by Courtney W.)
Erik the Red (7.5 minutes)
Leif Erikson (3.5 minutes)
Leif Erikson 2 (4 minutes) (Suggested by Courtney W.)
How the Vikings Colonized Vinland (20 minutes)
L’anse aux Meadows National Historic Site in Newfoundland, Canada, Viking settlement(7.5 minutes)
Hnafatafl (Viking version of Chess)
Kubb (Viking lawn/outdoors game)