About Average by Andrew Clements

About Average by Andrew Clements

About Average: Clements, Andrew, Elliott, Mark: 9781416997252: Amazon.com:  Books

Activities and videos to go along with Sonlight’s book About Average, currently in HBL C.  This one will be rather light, as there’s not a lot in the book to expand upon.  Not all chapters have ideas.  

Contains affiliate links.

Chapter 1: 

Pomp and Circumstance, the song they are trying to learn

Chapter 2: 

Sarah, Plain and Tall is a book found in the D readers from Sonlight currently, but here it is read online.  

Chapter 3: 

Chapter 4: 

You can make your own list of “Things I’m Great At,” “Things I’m OK At” and “Things I Stink At.” (Feel free to rename that last one).  For the things they aren’t as great at, maybe they can identify a goal to work on to improve on it. 

Chapter 5: 

Try to come up with your own ways to do something nice or respond in a kind manner to someone who isn’t always nice to you.  

Chapter 6:

Play Chess, All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Supper, or read The Wizard of Oz

Chapter 7: 

The National Weather Service (comical)

Chapter 8: 

Book Mentioned: The Black Stallion

Chapter 9:

Do some wind sprints, play soccer, or kick around a soccer ball

Chapter 10:

Play Frisbee, have a school lunch of pizza, orange jello, and cold milk

Chapter 11:

Gardening, have fresh eggs, and build indoor forts using blankets

Chapter 12:

Cloud types, make a cloud in a jar

Chapter 13: 

Make your own banner, learn about temperature scales

Chapter 14: 

Make some haikus

Chapter 15: 

Weather Instruments

Chapter 16:

Town Emergency Sirens and meanings

Chapter 17:

Tornado Safety

Chapter 18:

Tornado scales, signaling SOS with a whistle

Chapter 19:


This book does not have any sequels, but there are a LOT of books by the same author.  At least one is currently in Sonlight’s readers.  

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