Schedule for Adding Bill Martin Jr.’s Big Book of Poetry from Sonlight’s HBL A to HBL K: With Art Projects and Activities

Schedule for Adding Bill Martin Jr.’s Big Book of Poetry from Sonlight’s HBL A to HBL K: With Art Projects and Activities

By Veronica Soto

This schedule is my own and does not reflect what Sonlight has scheduled in HBL A. 

Poems are scheduled 2-3 days per week, and activities 1-2 times a week. 


Week 1

Day 3: p. 11

Day 5: pp. 13-16 

    Day 5 Activity: Using scraps of construction paper, torn paper, foam, or whatever supplies you desire, have your child use small bits to shape and create a picture, similar to those shown on these pages in the book. Here is an example. 

Week 2

Day 1: p. 17

Day 3: pp. 18-19

    Day 3 Activity: Using fingerpaints, or any type of paint, have your child draw lines or shapes.  Wait for these to dry, then, using a marker or crayon, see if they can turn these lines and shapes into an animal figure or other designs, using the book for examples. Or, draw a picture and then use fingerpaints to decorate

Week 3 

Day 1:  pp. 20-22

    Day 1 Activity: Try a chick craft

Day 3 p. 23

Day 5: pp 24-25

Week 4

Day 1: pp 26-29

Day 3: p 30

    Day 3 Activity: Go outside if you can, and look at the clouds. Look for shapes in the clouds.  Then come in, and draw your own cloud shapes

Day 5: p 31

Week 5

Day 3: pp 32-33

    Day 3 Activity: Using mud (either outdoors on the sidewalk/driveway, or inside on paper with a small cup of mud or brown paint), stick or paintbrush, and make art

Day 5: p. 34

Week 6

Day 1: p. 35

    Day 1 Activity: Choose a rainbow craft to make. Here are some ideas. 

Day 3: pp. 36-37

    Day 3 Activity: Paint or draw a picture that uses all of the colors mentioned in the poem

Day 5: p. 38

Week 7

Day 1: pp. 39-40

    Day 1 Activity: Create a collage using real or fake flowers and plants.

    Day 1 Alternative Activity: Try to draw plants or flowers; if you have none in your area, look up videos online to see how to draw different flowers

Day 3: p 41

Day 5: p 42

Week 8

Day 3: pp. 43-44

Day 5: p. 45

    Day 5 Activity: Try to find household items you can use to build a crazy cabin.

Week 9

Day 1: p. 46

Day 3: p. 47

Day 5: pp. 48-49

    Day 5 Activity: Take a Nature Walk. Pick 1-2 items and draw/color what you see. Or bring in some nature to decorate (rock painting will be in a later week, as will leaf rubbings)

Week 10

Day 1: pp 51-53

Day 3: p. 54

    Day 3 Activity: Try creating unique animals.  We have played a game similar to this in the past; only we called ours “The Silly Surprise Animals Game,” where we draw animal parts on each one, so each animal is made up of 3 different animals.  

Day 5: pp: 55-56

Week 11

Day 1: p. 57

    Day 1 Activity: Try to draw/paint like the picture in the book. This picture is nicely done, so it should be fairly easy for children to try.  

Day 5: p. 58

Week 12

Day 3: p 59

    Day 3 Activity: Leaf Rubbings

Day 5: pp. 60-61

Week 13

Day 1: p. 62

Day 3: p. 63-64

    Day 3 Activity: Make a Dreidel with your children. 

Day 5: p. 65

Week 14

Day 1: pp. 67-69

Day 3: pp. 70-71

    Day 3 Activity: Use Boxes or Household Items to build a skyscraper

Week 15

Day 3: p. 72

    Day 3 Activity: Practice drawing from perspective.  Find a place your child can see outside from up high.  A second-story window, a tree, the roof (assuming you can go on yours safely).  Have your child draw a picture of what they can see up high. Then, have them go to the ground and draw a picture of the same area from that perspective.  Compare and spot the differences. 

Day 5: pp. 73-74

Week 16

Day 1: p. 75

Day 3: p. 76

    Day 3 Activity: Draw or write a letter or piece of mail and mail it to a family member. 

Day 5: p. 77

Week 17

Day 3: pp. 78-79

Day 5: p. 80

    Day 5 Activity: Help your child to draw or write their own story. If your children aren’t sure they can do it, consider teaching them Draw and Tell Stories

Week 18

Day 1: pp. 81-85

Day 3: pp. 86-97

    Day 3 Activity: Have your children make a hidden picture.  Have them hide the numbers 0-9 in a drawing they make, and see if a family member can find them all. 

Week 19

Day 1: pp. 88-89

Day 5: pp. 90-94

    Day 5 Activity: Using foam or construction paper, have your child try to create their own versions of the pictures on these pages, such as a caterpillar, flower, or butterfly. 

Week 20

Day 1: p. 95

Day 3: p. 96

    Day 3 Activity: *** Look up or use a microscope to view slides.  Have your child pick their favorite and draw what they see. 

Day 5: p. 97

Week 21

Day 1: pp. 99-101

Day 3: p. 102

Day 5: pp. 103-106

    Day 5 Activity: 

Week 22

Day 1: p. 105

Day 3: pp. 106-107

    Day 3 Activity: Create Silhouettes or Shadow Drawings ***

Day 5: p. 108

Week 23

Day 1: p. 109

Day 3: p. 110

    Day 3 Activity: Create a picture of an imaginary pet you would like someday. 

Day 5: p. 111

Week 24

Day 1: p. 112

    Day 1 Activity: Rock paintings 

Day 5: pp. 113

Week 25

Day 3: pp. 115-116

Day 5: p. 117

    Day 5 Activity: 

Week 26

Day 1: pp. 118-119

Day 3: pp. 120-123

Day 5: pp. 124-125

    Day 5 Activity: Draw a picture of you and your mom/dad/family

Week 27

Day 1: pp. 126-127

    Day 1 Activity: use food to create paintings or projects.  We always just used pudding or yogurt, but there are many great ideas out there. 

Day 3: pp. 128

Day 5: pp. 129

Week 28

Day 3: pp. 131-132

    Day 3 Activity: Using green (to imitate peas) play-doh or clay (or even real peas) to create a sculpture.

Day 5: p. 133

Week 29

Day 1: pp. 134-135

    Day 1 Activity: Using Construction paper, foam, or any other assorted items, have your child try to make a pretend pizza, adding “toppings” of their choice.  You can make a real pizza if you’d like as well. Here are some ideas from someone way better at crafts than I am. 

Day  3: pp. 136

Day 5: pp. 137

    Day 5 Activity: Noodle Art ***

Week 30

Day 1: p. 138

    Day 1 Activity: Make slime. Use the slime to act out Herbert. 

Day 3: pp. 139-141

Week 31

Day 1: pp. 143-145

Day 3: p. 146

Day 5: p. 147

    Day 5 Activity: Using household items, try to build a house you can carry with you.  Alternatively, draw a picture of yourself carrying a house on your back. 

Week 32

Day 3: p. 148

    Day 3 Activity: Bubble Art

Day 5: pp. 149-150

Week 33

Day 3: pp. 151-153

Day 5: pp. 154-155

    Day 5 Activity: Mirror Art

Week 34

Day 1: pp. 157-159

Day 3: p. 160

Day 5: pp. 161-162

    Day 5 Activity: Candle Art

Week 35

Day 3: pp. 163-165

Day 5: pp. 166-167

    Day 5 Activity: Sheep project.  This was a fun project with sheep we did last year. 

Week 36

Day 1: p. 168

    Day 1 Activity: *** Fish art

Day 3: p. 169

Day 5: pp 170-171


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