The Penderwicks: A Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall

The Penderwicks: A Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a

Very Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall

The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very  Interesting Boy by Jeanne Birdsall | Goodreads

Fast and easy extension activities for The Penderwicks from Sonlight’s HBL C program.  Contains affiliate links. 

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

  • Try to think of a fair way to determine who goes first, like Hound selecting them with his nose.
  • Draw a picture or discuss your perfect room and how you would decorate it.
  • Create a posterboard for each character in the book, along with identifying features and quirks, to help keep them straight if the names are too much to remember.
  • Learn some Latin phrases to impress your friends
  • The Fimbriata Rose

Chapter 3

  • Tell stories of your own memories, perhaps your childhood, parents, or grandparents.
  • Come up with a special name for your own family meetings

Chapter 4

  • Make cookies. Consider giving them as a gift or apology. 
  • Invite a friend over for cookies. Maybe prepare a formal invitation speech. 

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

  • First aid for cuts
  • How to treat a sprain
  • Enjoy gingerbread (make some, or storebought is fine) with whipped cream and strawberries.
  • Serve on a small table with a checkered tablecloth if you have any
  • If you have an attic or have a relative nearby with one, go attic exploring
  • Visit a thrift store and try on fancy clothes (no need to purchase), even if they don’t fit
  • If you have any, play bow and arrows, cricket, have a sword fight, or go canoeing or horseback riding. 

Chapter 8

  • What is a Springhouse
  • A look at a lily pond garden
  • Go run under sprinklers/hose
  • “Anna’s First Rule of Conversation with a Boy” is to ask questions.  Asking questions about a person is an excellent tool in many situations, especially when meeting new people. If you have a more shy child, this might be a relaxing time to practice asking questions they can later use in conversation. “Where are you from,” “What hobbies do you have?” and such can be great icebreakers. 
  • A basketball team usually has 12 players (although only five play at a time), whereas a baseball team often has 25 players (with nine playing at a time).  
  • Take a family picture, just for fun
  • Go golfing (or mini-golf)
  • Talk about what your child wants to be when they grow up. Start looking at different options within that field. 

Chapter 9

  • How to Waltz
  • Like Sabrina Starr, think of ways to rescue Jeffrey/Arthur

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

  • Play hide and seek
  • Enjoy Blueberry pancakes
  • Play an intense soccer game
  • Look up Pink jasmine
  • Enjoy hamburgers, corn on the cob, and blueberry pie

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

  • The book Magic by the Lake, it looks to be this one, which would be the third in the series to the book Half Magic, which used to be a Sonlight book for a little while in HBL E, and I think even further back, a read-aloud in HBL B. 

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

  • The opera at the beginning of this chapter is from Otello by Verdi, in Act 4, “Niun Mi Tema”
  • The book mentions the movie, To Kill a Mockingbird, but I would personally save that for a few years, as it discusses some mature themes like racism and sexual assault.

Chapter 17

  • Have some cheerios
  • Create a fun craft that is personalized for a friend or family member

Chapter 18


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