Native American History During Early Colonial America: King Philip’s War, the French and Indian War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, Black Hawk War, Sequoyah, etc.

Native American History During Early Colonial America: King Philip’s War, the French and Indian War, Pontiac’s Rebellion, etc. 

Dates covered: 1600-1775

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Books (Assorted): 

If You Lived With The CherokeeThe third in a series of books about Native American culture and language shows what it was like to grow up in a Cherokee family of the past, through full-color illustrations by a Cherokee artist and an engaging question-and-answer format. Younger to Middle students. 

If You Lived With The Hopi Indians The breadth of issues covered makes this a rich presentation of our country’s dramatic beginnings-perfect for sparking interesting classroom discussions. Younger to Middle students. 

If You Lived with the Indians of the Northwest Coast The Indians who lived along the northern Pacific coast were different from any other Native Americans. They were fishermen, wood carvers, and builders of totem poles; they were a hierarchical society with noblemen, commoners, and slaves in which material wealth was greatly admired and sought after. What was it like to be a child among Haida, Makah, Tlingit, or other coastal groups? What kind of house would you live in? What kind of clothes would you wear? What work would you do if you were a girl, or if you were a boy? Would you go on a Spirit Quest? These and dozens of other questions are answered in this informative and beautifully illustrated book. Younger to Middle students. Alaska/Washington/Oregon, Yukon, British Columbia-Canada. 

If You Lived With The Iroquois This book describes what life was like for the Iroquois hundreds of years ago. By putting the reader in the empathetic position of posing the information as questions, the reader is drawn into the subject matter in a realistic and exciting way. The reader discovers the rich culture of the Iroquois from their festivals, religion, education, work, and beliefs. Younger to Middle students. 

If You Lived With The Sioux Indians If you lived with the Sioux Indians–Would you hunt for food?–What kind of home would you live in?–What would be the bravest thing you could do? This book tells you what it was like to live as a Sioux Indian in North and South Dakota from 1800 to 1850. Younger to Middle students. 


Alone in an Untamed Land Young Hélène St. Onge and her older sister Catherine are orphans. When King Louis XVI orders all men in New France to marry, Catherine becomes a fille du roi, one of the many young women sent to the New World as brides. Hélène will accompany her on the long sea voyage and live with her sister’s new family. But Catherine dies during the grueling journey, and Hélène finds herself alone in a strange new country. New France is a far harsher place than she imagined, with bitter winters and the threat of attack from the Iroquois. Will the few friendships she has made on her long voyage enable her to survive? Middle to Older students; contains romantic themes. 


King Philip : loyal Indian : Edwards, Cecile Pepin : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

King Philip: Loyal Indian Learn more about Pometacom (AKA Metacomet, AKA King Philip), including his childhood and his life, as well as some of the possible reasons behind King Philip’s War. Reader style, approx, 4th grade level. Middle students. Massachusetts. 


Om-Kas-Toe Life changes dramatically for the Blackfeet people in the early 1700’s when a twin brother and sister discover a strange animal and succeed in bringing it back to the tribe. Middle to Older students. Montana.


Book Cover

Thunder Foot: 1730 In 1730 fourteen-year-old Running Dog finds a horse, an animal then unknown to the Cheyenne Indians, and brings it back to his tribe. Middle students. South Dakota. 


Francis Marion: Young Swamp Fox - Biblioguides

Francis Marion: Young Swamp Fox, Childhood of Young Americans series about a boy who grew up to be a famous military leader in the French and Indian War as well as the Revolutionary War. South Carolina. Middle Students. 


Enemy in the Fort (American Girl History Mysteries)

Enemy in the Fort American Girl History Mysteries. In 1754, with her parents taken captive, twelve-year-old Rebecca must confront her fear and hatred of the Abenaki when a boy raised by members of that tribe is brought to the fort at Charleston, New Hampshire, just before a series of thefts occurs. Level 4.6. Mature Middle and Older students (contains topics such as scalping and revenge killings). New Hampshire. 

Forest Warrior: The Story of Pontiac Younger to Middle students. 

French and Indian War: We the People Describes the events leading to the French and Indian War, and the importance of control of the Forks of the Ohio River. Middle students. 

Indian Captive: The Story of Mary Jemison When twelve-year-old Mary Jemison and her family are captured by Shawnee raiders, she’s sure they’ll all be killed. Instead, Mary is separated from her siblings and traded to two Seneca sisters, who adopt her and make her one of their own. Mary misses her home, but the tribe is kind to her. She learns to plant crops, make clay pots, and sew moccasins, just as the other members do. Slowly, Mary realizes that the Indians are not the monsters she believed them to be. When Mary is given the chance to return to her world, will she want to leave the tribe that has become her family? This Newbery Honor book is based on the true story of Mary Jemison, the pioneer known as the “White Woman of the Genesee.” Mature Middle and Older students. Level 5.4. Pennsylvania. 

Pontiac: Mighty Ottawa Chief A biography of the Ottawa patriot and war chief who united the Great Lakes tribes against the intruding British, laying siege to Detroit in 1763 in a culmination of what has come to be known as Pontiac’s Conspiracy. Michigan. 

The French and Indian War: Primary Sources in American History Offers primary source documents, narratives, and illustrations to recount the history of the French and Indian War, discussing major battles and key figures. Level 7.6. Middle to Older students. 

The French and Indian War nonfiction look at the history and time period. Level 5.6. Virginia. Middle to Older students. 


Standing in the Light: The Diary of Catharine Carey Logan, Delaware Valley, Pennsylvania, 1763 (Dear America) From the Dear America series. Catharine Carey Logan and her family have enjoyed a peaceful and prosperous life as the Quakers and Delaware Indians share a mutually trusting relationship. Recently, however, this friendship has been threatened by violence against the Indians. Then, Catharine and her brother are taken captive by the Lenape in retaliation. At first, Catharine is afraid of her captors. But when a handsome brave begins to teach her about the ways of the Lenape, she comes to see that all people share the same joys, hopes, and fears. Level 5.1. Older students; contains more sensitive content. Philadelphia. 


American Girl Kaya, Mature Middle students

Kaya's Escape! (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition): Shaw, Janet, Farnsworth, Bill: 9780613462235: BooksKaya Shows The Way (American Girl Collection): Shaw, Janet: 9781584854319: Books

Hardcover Kaya's Short Story Collection Book


The Sign of the Beaver When Matt’s father leaves him on his own to guard their new cabin in the wilderness, Matt is scared but determined to be brave and prove that he can take care of himself. And things are going fine until a white stranger steals his gun, leaving Matt defenseless and unable to hunt for his food. Then Matt meets Attean, a Native boy from the Beaver tribe, and soon learns that people called the land around him home long before the white settlers ever arrived. As Attean teaches him more about his own culture, Matt must come to terms with what the changing frontier really means. Now with an introduction by critically acclaimed writer Joseph Bruchac about the historical context and the relationships between Native peoples and white settlers in the eighteenth century. Level 4.9. Middle to Older students. Maine. 


Black Hawk: Young Sauk Warrior Childhood of Famous Americans series. Black Hawk was a war chief and leader of the Sauk tribe in the Midwest of the United States. He was known more for being a war leader, a “captain of his actions” than he was a tribal chief. Black Hawk earned his credentials by leading raids and war parties in his youth. Middle students. Illinois. 


Sequoyah, young Cherokee guide. By Dorothea J. Snow. Copyright 1960.

Sequoyah: Young Cherokee Guide Childhood of Famous Americans series. Middle students. Tennessee. 

Sequoyah: The Cherokee Who Captured Words by Lillie Patterson | Goodreads

Sequoyah: The Cherokee Who Captured Words A biography of the Cherokee Indian who did what white scholars said could not be done when he invented a syllabary for writing the Cherokee language. Early Chapter book. Tennessee/Arkansas.

Sequoyah (Native American Biographies)

Sequoyah A biography of Sequoyah, a member of the Cherokee tribe who was responsible for creating a syllabary that put the Cherokee language in writing, describing his childhood, work as a blacksmith, and military service in the War of 1812. Level 4.2. Younger to Middle students. Tennessee/Arkansas.

Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing (Robert F. Sibert Informational Book Honor (Awards))

Sequoyah: The Cherokee Man Who Gave His People Writing The story of Sequoyah is the tale of an ordinary man with an extraordinary idea—to create a writing system for the Cherokee Indians and turn his people into a nation of readers and writers. The task he set for himself was daunting. Sequoyah knew no English and had no idea how to capture speech on paper. But slowly and painstakingly, ignoring the hoots and jibes of his neighbors and friends, he worked out a system that surprised the Cherokee Nation—and the world of the 1820s—with its beauty and simplicity. James Rumford’s Sequoyah is a poem to celebrate literacy, a song of a people’s struggle to stand tall and proud. Younger to Middle students. Level 3.7. Younger to Middle students.

Sequoyah: Cherokee Hero A biography of the Cherokee Indian who invented a syllabary for the Cherokee language.Middle students.

What’s Your Story, Sequoyah? How did Sequoyah create a Cherokee alphabet? How did he improve the lives of the Cherokee? Cub Reporter interviews him to find out! Learn how Sequoyah overcame adversity in his childhood, and created the Cherokee alphabet, which helped thousands to become literate. Readers will see how to use interviewing skills and journalistic questions to reveal the story behind a famous American. Younger to Middle students. Level 4.2.

Sequoyah: Inventor of the Cherokee Written Language A biography of the Cherokee Indian who created a method for his people to write and read their own language. Level 4.4. Younger to Middle students.

Sequoyah Sequoyah was a true Cherokee hero. Young readers will discover Sequoyah’s story, from his birth and upbringing to his dedication in developing a language guide for the Cherokee people. They’ll learn how his efforts allowed the Cherokee nation to create a written record of their culture. Readers will explore the challenges the Cherokee nation faced as it ceded more and more land to the American government. Engaging sidebars about Sequoyah’s history and vivid images help readers learn about this amazing man and his legacy today. Level 5.4. Middle to Older students.


Museums/Field Trips (including virtual): 



  • Native American Games and Stories (Amazon). This book provides young readers with Native American stories and games that educate and entertain.
  • Native American Mazes (Amazon) This entertaining little activity book helps youngsters develop their problem-solving abilities as they navigate 33 exciting labyrinths and learn about Native American cultures. They’ll lead a Hopi boy to his lost Kachina doll, show an Apache hunter how to sneak up on a buffalo, and a maze to guide a Pequot to his campfire. Brief captions explain each of the mazes. 
  • Totolospi a Native American Strategy Game (Amazon)

Videos (1-20 minutes): (See also Movies)


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