The Cricket in Times Square

The Cricket in Times Square by George Selden

The Cricket In Times Square: 1 : Selden, George: Libros

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Chapter 1

Lapbook and Novel Study (TPT, $6.50)

Try Lorna Doone Shortbread Cookies

3D Paper Mouse Craft

A look at a modern subway newsstand (you can “x” off the subscription page and still watch for free)

1960s Newsstand in New York

Chapter 2

Flying Cricket Origami (can make it in black to look more like Chester)

“Locust” Snack that can easily be a “Cricket” snack. 


Chapter 3

Try Liverwurst sandwiches, hard-boiled eggs, cold roast chicken, and roast beef. Maybe at a picnic if the weather permits. 

A look at the inside of the Times Square Station (they have since installed new artwork, but those videos just focused on the art and not the whole station. 

Chapter 4

Read articles from the archives at Musical America Magazine

Times Square Aboveground at Night (it is Times Square, so watch at your own discretion)

Cat Craft

Chapter 5

Chester tries bread crusts, sugar lumps, and Brussels sprouts. 

Make a Cricket-sized soda

Chapter 6

Here is a look at assorted Chinese instruments. 

Chinese Cricket cage art

Chapter 7

Make a cricket cage option 1

Cricket cage option 2

Look around your house for items to line the cage

Chapter 8

Finger Knitting to knit with Mama Bellini


Asparagus and cabbage

Practice counting change (you can get half dollars and silver dollars at most banks, ask. They often have 2 dollar bills as well.)

Chapter 9

Chinese meal:

Chop Suey

Egg Drop Soup

Black Bean Spare Ribs

Steamed Fish and Ginger

Bok Choy and Black Mushrooms

Try chopsticks

Erhu Music to listen to over a meal

Chapter 10

Dinner Party Meal: Liverwurst, ham, BLTs, a variety of breads (rye, whole wheat, white), cole slaw, Hershey’s chocolate bar with nuts, and an Oh Henry candy bar. Served with iced soft drinks (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, root beer, orange, in paper cups. 

The song with lyrics in the book is called Indian Love Call.

Blue Danube Waltz

Fire Safety for Kids

Chapters 11

Come Back to Sorrento Torna a Surriento)

Aida-Grand March

Chapter 12

Rock of Ages

Onward Christian Soldiers

The Rosary

A Mighty Fortress is Our God

Chapter 13

A Little Night Music (Mozart) (Beethoven’s Wig Version)

Regular version

Fruit Salad and Vegetable Dinner 

Chapter 14

Stars and Stripes Forever

Lucia di Lammermoor Sextet

Chapter 15

Jumping Games

Steak Sandwich and chocolate cookies

Crickets chirping white noise


The Cricket in Times Square


Movie Sequels: 

A Very Merry Cricket

Yankee Doodle Cricket



#2 Tucker’s Countryside

#3 Harry Cat’s Pet Puppy

#4 Chester Cricket’s Pigeon Ride

#5 Chester Cricket’s New Home

#6 Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse

#7 The Old Meadow


More Sequels (Early Readers) by Thea Feldman: 

#1 Harry to the Rescue

#2 Starring Harry

#3 Tucker’s Beetle Band

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