The Amazing, Impossible Erie Canal by Cheryl Harness

The Amazing, Impossible Erie Canal by Cheryl Harness 

More easy-to-use videos, and other miscellanies, from The Amazing, Impossible Erie Canal by Cheryl Harness.  Organized by page number, using the map of North America as Page 5. Not all pages have activities. Most pages have only videos because not a lot of activities are suggested in the pages of the book itself.  As always, let me know if you have any questions, or great ideas, or if you find any mistakes or broken links. Thanks!

Pages 5-6: 

I was looking for videos about early travel on the Appalachian Trail, but instead, I came across this little treasure of a video, with a reenactment of an Appalachian family and their daily life. Children learn to do woodwork, dip candles, and more, in period dress. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. 

Pages 7-8:

Seneca Canoeing Song

Pages 9-10:


Pages 11-12:

Video showing the Erie Canal

Pages 13-14:

Modern Look at the Erie Canal, how locks work, and why it was important. 

Pages 15-16: 

Horse-Drawn Canal Boats Demonstration


Pages 17-18:

Erie Canal Worksheets and videos

Pages 19-20:

Erie Canal cake, but I can see making us making this out of Play-doh or Lego. 

Here is another version of out some type of Play-doh

Pages 21-26:


Pages 27-28:

History behind Yankee Doodle

Yankee Doodle Song

God Save the King Song (it’s hard to find a good version, as most are now God Save the Queen)

Pages 29-30:


Pages 31-32:`

A Packet Boat being pulled by horses down the river

Inside Back Cover:

Low Bridge Erie Canal Song (keep in mind this is the original, and a little sign keeps popping up reminding you that most songs have the lyrics wrong, and it’s 15 years on the Erie canal, not 15 miles.  It also includes 5 verses instead of just 2. 


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