Fast and Easy Extensions for Three Young Pilgrims by Cheryl Harness
More fast and easy extension activities to go with Sonlight’s HBL K program, this book doesn’t have page numbers or chapters, so I just listed the activities in the order they tie into the book, with fictional page numbers, with the very first inside page being page 1. For the last few pages, there was mostly just information, so I tried to find other things that would tie in instead.
Pages 8-9
Follow along with the family as they travel from England to the United States, by completing this map activity.
Pages 10-11
Help your child learn about and label parts of a ship like the Mayflower by doing this printable craft activity.
The above activity would pair perfectly with this craft to help make your ship look more authentic.
Also, here is a video tour of the Mayflower, where you can see parts of the ship to see how it actually looked.
Page 12-15
Charlie Brown’s version of the Mayflower Voyage, excerpt from their This is America, Charlie Brown video series, of which there are 8 parts. I’ll be including more parts later on in the year. This one talks about the Mayflower Compact.
You can watch the full episode here: The full episode also covers a version of Samoset, Squanto, and the first Thanksgiving, so will cover the next few pages as well.
Pages 16-19
Take a video tour of the villages at Plymouth Plantation, see how both the Pilgrims and Indiginous Natives from America lived.
Pages 21-31
The movie Squanto: A Warrior’s Tale might be appropriate here. There are multiple sites from which it can be purchased or borrowed, or watched. We are renting it from Prime Video for $2.99. (affiliate link)
Pages 24-27
Consider pilgrim meal recipes
Pages 28-31
We are making a diorama out of legos, but here is an idea for another type of diorama. I will try to post pictures a little later.
From pages 32 on, it is hard to find videos and movies that describe each group at a child’s level, so instead I have put a little book series I thought you might enjoy.
Page 34-35
Sarah Morton’s Day: watch someone read the book here:
Page 36-37
Samuel Eaton’s Day: again, the book is read aloud here:
Page 38-39
Tapenum’s Day: again, the book is read aloud here: